A Private Members Association

Member Agreement–Introduction

—What is this document?

Oracle Collective is a Private Membership Association (PMA) operating within Natural Law under Private Jurisdiction.

This Agreement is a private contract and as such, replaces the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that apply to Public Jurisdiction.

—What you’ll find in each section:

1. Declaration of Purpose: Emphasizes the Association’s mission; mutual benefits, obligations, freedom of choice, and protection of Members' rights.

2. Memorandum of Understanding: Clarifies the nature of interactions between Members.

—Summary of the Membership Commitment:

- Members commit to stewardship and trading of tangibles and intangibles. energy exchanges, to be conducted in the private domain.

- Agreement entails confidentiality, dispute resolution through mediation, and lifetime participation.

- Members have the option to withdraw from the association and terminate their membership at any time.

Oracle Collective Agreement

A Private Contract Member Association

I hereby accept the terms for being a member in the Oracle Collective Member Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘Association’), a private venue, original and exclusive jurisdiction member association available only by invitation and with application approval. With the sealing of this Member Agreement, I accept the offer made to become a Member of the Association.

I agree with the following Declaration of Purpose and accept the terms expressed therein and in the Memorandum of Understanding:


1. This Association of Members hereby declares that our purpose is dedicated to reconnecting individuals with their inner wisdom and spiritual gifts. We create a supportive and nurturing community where members can explore and deepen their intuitive abilities, guided by skilled readers and spiritual advisers. Our purpose is to empower each person to trust their inner oracle and navigate life’s challenges with clarity and confidence.

2. As members, we affirm jurisdiction under inherent law as Natural Law. This agreement is entered as the ultimate goal is to gain access to a rich tapestry of spiritual resources and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Members benefit from expert guidance and personalized support in their spiritual practices, ensuring they receive the insights and tools needed to navigate life’s complexities. Membership provides ongoing opportunities for personal growth, exclusive events, and a lifetime of spiritual enrichment while being part of a supportive network that honors and cultivates each member’s unique journey.

Furthermore, we regard the Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence as conscious documents devised by men to protect our God-granted unalienable rights. We confirm that these documents were created to preserve our freedom and to protect our rights and no legislative body shall make a law prohibiting these rights. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America protects the free exercise of our religion and guarantees our Members the rights of free speech, petition, assembly, and the right to gather together for the lawful purpose of helping one another in asserting our rights under Natural Law as preserved by the Federal and State Constitutions. This Agreement is entered to maintain and protect all rights, constitutional guarantees, and freedom of choice over our lives and bodies for every Member of our Association.

3. We affirm the basic right of all Members to select representatives from our Association to provide wise counsel and advice on the needs of our Members.

4. We proclaim the freedom to choose and create between our Members private agreements, governing aspects of our lives in these 3 distinct areas:

4.1. How we steward resources;

4.2. The exchange of energy between private Members of the Association;

4.3. And Spiritual endeavors.

5. More specifically, the mission at Oracle Collective is to provide a clear and accessible channel for spiritual guidance and personal growth. We are committed to fostering an aligned and inclusive community where every member can thrive and find their own path to spiritual fulfillment.

6. The Association welcomes any person, irrespective of race, color, creed, or religion, who aligns with the principles and policies shared by other members. The Association provides a platform for individual members to collaborate and realize the declared objectives.

7. We also refuse the right to accept membership for those who are not in alignment with our core values, mission, vision, purpose, and goals. We may revoke membership to members who do not abide by our core values of honoring self and others.

7. Membership Benefits

7.1 Access Private Community and Networking Opportunities:

- Members may have access to a private community area offered by the Association that is not available to the general public.

- Connect with other members and advisors for spiritual guidance.

- Receive support from others navigating similar life situations and challenges.

7.2 Course Area with Tools and Resources:

- Access to courses, workshops, and templates.

- Receive invites to weekly co-working and Q&A sessions.

7.3 Exclusive Content and Support:

- Premium members receive access to additional offerings and access to one-on-one consultations at a special rate not offered to non-members.

8. Member Obligations:

8.1. Dues: Timely contribution of monthly, quarterly or annual membership dues.

8.2. Conduct: Required to adhere to Oracle Collective’s code of conduct and values. We encourage our members to live by the Golden Rule or the principle of In Lak’ech, “I am you, and you are me.” Review our Covenant for our Code of Conduct.

8.3. Participation: Active participation in the Association's programs and events is encouraged.

8.4. Confidentiality:

- Members must respect the confidentiality and privacy of other members.

- Members agree to maintain the confidentiality of PMA-related information.

- Non-Disclosure: Information may not be disclosed without explicit permission from the PMA.


I understand that any fellow Member of the Association who may provide advice does so in the capacity of a fellow Member and not in any licensed capacity. I further understand that within the Association no attorney-client nor any other licensed professional or similar legal relationship exists between the Members. This Agreement is between Members of the Association in private relationship.

In confirmation, I have freely chosen to make my legal status in this Agreement - not as a public client – but rather as a private Member of the Association.

I further understand I am entirely responsible for considering the advice and recommendations offered to me by my fellow Members and to educate myself as to the efficacy, risk, and desirability of any recommendations. All choices are my own carefully considered decisions. Any request by me to a fellow Member to assist or provide me with the aforementioned advice, etc., is my own free decision in an exercise of my rights and made by me for my benefit. I agree to hold any and each trustee, board member, minister, staff, co-member, and any associated agency, ministry, or religious auxiliaries of the Association harmless from any unintentional liability from the results of such advice or recommendations.

In addition, I understand that the Association is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, as such, it is outside the jurisdiction of Federal, State, and local Governmental Agencies and Authorities. Any and all complaints or grievances against the Association, any Trustees, Board Members, Members, agencies, religious auxiliaries, or other associated staff persons are protected by this Agreement.

All rights to file complaints or grievances, including, yet not limited to when in attendance or participation in any Association activity is now voluntarily waived by the Member to be settled by an independent, third-party mediator.

I understand all Members voluntarily waive all legal actions and rights to file a statutory complaint against the Association. Any lawful records kept by the Association will be strictly protected and only released to parties identified in such records upon written request of the Member.

Members agree not to disclose to any non-member the practices or procedures of the Association and agree not to compete in any way with the practices and procedures of the Association. I agree that violation of any terms in this Membership contract will result in loss of Membership and any resulting harm will be addressed in private binding mediation. Any complaint filed by a Member or assigns for legal remedy will be dismissed or remanded for binding mediation according to the terms of this Agreement.

I agree to join the Association, a Private Membership Association under Natural Law, whose Members seek to

honor spiritual freedoms and beliefs.

As a Member, I accept the goal of doing my part to live in peace with all people, with the non-aggression principle at the foundation of all my interactions, and I understand the techniques and practices discussed within the Association strive to meet this objective.

I also acknowledge that no agreement or recommendation given is correct for me to follow in any given situation. I fully accept the risk that I might suffer adverse consequences from my choice to put into practice any of the recommendations by the Association or its Members. I will not sign my name to any agreement suggested, used by, or recommended by the Association until I thoroughly understand any such document and consent to the terms therein.

My activities within the Association are protected by this private contract and precludes me from sharing any information with any court or state bar, or any non-Association agency. All records and documents remain as property of the Association, even if I receive a copy of them. I fully agree not to file a malpractice lawsuit against a fellow Member of the Association, unless that Member has exposed me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, as expressed by the U.S. Supreme Court. I acknowledge that the Members of the Association do not carry any type of insurance related to the activities of the Association.

I enter into this Agreement of my own free will without any pressure or promise of results. I affirm that I do not represent any state or federal agency whose purpose is to regulate or undermine the purpose of this Association, in any capacity. I have read and understood this document, and any questions I considered have been answered fully to my satisfaction.

I understand that I can withdraw from the Association and terminate my Membership in this Association at any time, yet agree to abide by these terms for a lifetime period thereafter. These pages of the Association consist of the entire Agreement for my Membership in the Association and they supersede any previous agreement.

I understand that this Membership allows me to receive benefits declared by the Member(s) to be “general benefits” free of further charge. I agree I may be asked to provide dues for “special assessments” levied for any additional benefits that I may be offered by the Association.

I agree to start my Membership beginning with the date of the signing of this Agreement.

Thus, I hereby certify, attest, and warrant that I, being of age to consent with sound mind and body have carefully read and understood the plain language of the above and foregoing Oracle Collective Association Agreement and voluntarily accept the terms herein.

I fully understand and agree with the terms and hereby intend these terms and this Agreement to bind myself, my nominees, agents, and assigns in confidentiality until the Membership is concluded.

IN WITNESS UNDER NATURAL LAW I agree to these terms of private contract.

Oracle Collective is a Private Member Association

Located Throughout Multiple States

of Awareness in the Multi-verse