Oracle Collective is designed to exist as a private, members-only space, dedicated to supporting each other and ourselves with

tuning in to our divine gifts.

This community has a simple set of self-governing guidelines,

that are based on The Golden Rule (common to all cultures and religions).

We call these agreements The Elohssa Covenant.

Sidenote: The deeper meaning of Elohssa: Eloh is derived from Hebrew and literally means “of God,” or “of mighty power,” deriving from the ancient Semitic root El, from which also comes Allah and Elohim (“supreme one”).

And Sah is a mighty king (“shah” in Persian), or in German is a first-person declension of the verb sehen – to see.

When you follow our simple ethical agreements to freedom,

you’ll be a Divine Royal seer!

#1 - Thou Shalt Be Golden.

The Golden Rule says, “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”.

Most of the folks who are attracted to Oracle Collective naturally live by this timeless guide to peace and joy – this is the common link of the tribe. Like attracts like – we anticipate that we won’t need to remove many from our private community because we expect that most of us desire to live with honor and trust the Golden Rule works.

#2 - Thou Shalt Be Peaceful.

Zero-tolerance for Violence: Any network or individual channel that advocates violence as a means of achieving social or political gains will be ejected from Oracle Collective.

#3 - Thou Shalt Not Practice Hate-Speech.

Any network or individual channel that engages in a pattern of “hate speech” directed towards ethnic, racial, religious, or gender/sexual preference groups will be ejected from Oracle Collective. If you require an explanation of what Hate Speech is, you probably don't belong in our community.

This isn't about political correctness, this is about respect.

#4 - Thou Shalt not Promote Products or Services if you are not an Oracle.

Unless you are a verified official Oracle advisor, please do not advertise your products, services, events, or donation links within the private community space. We provide the platform to share your gifts and offerings through Oracle Collective, but you’ll need to take the proper steps to become an Oracle Advisor first.

If you are interested in becoming an Oracle Advisor, the first step is becoming an Oracle member for a month. More information on becoming an Advisor is provided within the member's area.

#5 - Thou Shalt Not be a Troll.

Any member network or individual channel that is found to engage in “trolling” – i.e., utilizing a false cyber-identity to disrupt, spy on, or otherwise dishonestly infiltrate another member network or channel – or any network or channel anywhere on the Internet – may be ejected from Oracle Collective.

NOTE: If you create a profile and share no photos, posts, or real name within 2 weeks of registration, we will assume that you are a troll and your account will be deleted. Spiritual names or nicknames are acceptable, but show us who you are.

#6 - Thou Shalt Not be a Creepy Spy.

One of the great virtues and benefits of Oracle Collective is the privacy and safety afforded our community. If any member network or individual channel is found to be operated or dominated (through the layering of corporate identities) by a “hidden hand” of a controlling government or corporate entity whose agenda is judged to be hostile to Oracle Collective’s goals of spiritual freedom, openness, and building trust within ourselves and with others, that network or member may be ejected from the network.

#7 - Thou Shalt Not be a Hacker.

The illegal invasion of private networks is as much a crime as the illegal invasion of sovereign nations. Oracle Collective is always working to provide a secure virtual network for its members. We aim to provide our member networks and channels the greatest assurance of privacy and security, and no user data will ever be sold or shared. If any member network or individual channel is found to be engaging in a pattern of illegal hacking, that network or member may be ejected from Oracle Collective.

#8 - Thou Shall Honor Mother Gaia.

The Oracle Collective is passionately (and compassionately) focused on healing our devastated planet. While there is broad room for discussion over which emerging technologies are best suited to hasten planetary recovery, Oracle Collective reserves the right to exclude from the Network any member networks or individuals who are engaged in a pattern of environmental exploitation.

#9 - Thou Shall Honor Thy Elders.

The Elders of Oracle Collective are our Royalty. Their dues are supported by the membership and they are to be honored, respected, and protected in all ways. They too must be Elohssa Compliant, as members of the Association. Elder Abuse, harassment, theft, or scamming/misleading business practices will not be tolerated.

#10 - Thou Shall Honor Gaia’s Creatures.

Fuzzy, prickly, slimy, barking, or buzzing -- we love all life. Oracle Collective does not dictate your diet choices, but advocates for, and promotes sustainable and regenerative practices. However, if you are found to be abusing/exploiting animals/pets in any way, through your business practices or personal behavior, you will lose your membership.

#11 - Thou Shalt Honor Privacy & Data Rights

The Oracle Collective was formed with an intention to honor the privacy of our members and their data. As a Private Member-based Association, we steward the data from our network and activities. It will never be shared or sold. There is no reporting on your online or mobile app activity to any corporate or federal agencies. You have a safe place within the network for your work and we do not own your content. Each member chooses what to share publicly or with other members. Oracle Collective promises not to manipulate or use algorithms that limit your reach to gain profit or control. Similarly, anyone found to exploit another member's data, content, or activity for personal or financial gain, may be expelled from the Collective.

#12 - Thou Shalt Have Fun.

The “pursuit of happiness” is your business. The human family has many odd and eccentric members…and we love our family. We may not understand each other, and your idea of fun may be our idea of hell, but as long as the above guidelines are observed, we strive always to live from the heart, from a place of unconditional love.

#13 - Thou Shalt Honor Thy Mother

While Oracle Collective does not advocate any one religious or spiritual path over any other, we are here to serve humanity, through and for, The Great Mother. It is a core community value that the empowerment of women, the honoring of Motherhood, and reverence for the Feminine are essential to planetary healing and the well-being of humanity. Accordingly, any member network or individual channel that supports or advocates policies or systems that are abusive to or that repress the rights and freedom of women, may be ejected from the network.

Blessed be,

The Oracle Collective Elohssa Council

Oracle Collective is a Private Member Association

Located Throughout Multiple States

of Awareness in the Multi-verse